Core Data Service APIs

The Core Data microservice provides a centralized persistence facility for data readings collected by devices and sensors.


  • Core Data's purpose

  • Event & Reading

  • REST API outline

  • Reference

Core Data’s Purpose

  • Provides a centralized persistence facility for data readings collected by devices and sensors.

  • Device services for devices and sensors that collect data, call on Core Data to store the device and sensor data on the edge system (such as a gateway)

    • Allows for store and forward technology

    • Supports actuation decisions at the edge

  • Data is stored until…

    • It can be moved "north" and exported to Enterprise and cloud systems

    • It is “scrubbed” to make way for new sensor data

  • Provides an API that other services can use to access the historical data

    • Should be used sparingly as not to impact data collection

Event & Reading

  • Events are collections of Readings

    • Associated to a device

  • Readings represent a sensing on the part of a device/sensor

    • Simple Key/Value pair

    • Key is a value descriptor

    • Value is the sensed value

    • Ex: Temperature: 72

  • Event would need to have one Reading to make sense

REST API Outline

  • Event APIs

    • DELETE – should really only be used by data clean up facilities

    • GET’s galore to query for Events, by

      • id

      • Associated Device

      • timestamp (range start & end)

      • Associated Device and Reading with particular Value Descriptor

    • GET Event count

  • Reading APIs

    • GET’s galore to query for Readings, by

      • id

      • Associated Device (via Event)

      • uomLabel (of associated Value Descriptor)

      • label (of associated Value Descriptor)

      • type (of associated Value Descriptor)

      • Timestamp (via Event)

    • GET Reading count (good debug/checking mechanism)

Some API examples

GET Event Count


Return a count of the number of events in core data for a given device - identified by id or name.

GET Events


Return list of events with their associated readings for a given device, sort by event creation date.

DELETE Events by deviceId


Delete all events (and their readings) associated to a device given the device's id (either database generated id or name).

DELETE All Events


Remove all pushed events and their associated readings.

GET Reading by device


Return list of all readings for a given device, sort by reading creation date.

GET Reading by value descriptor and device


Return a list of readings that are associated to a ValueDescripter by name and Device by name (or id).


Core-data API document link:

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