Runtime requirements
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC x64 asks for at least 4GB of RAM
Revision History
Optional: Install driver/ API
Self-Diagnostic application support POS products, main function containing the Dashboard, Alert, and Reporting on left sidebar menu. Dashboard upper parts displays Product name and the system usage status, such as CPU, Memory, Storage, and Network.
Product name:
It shows the product name, clicking the product name which is displayed detail information when you hover over it. You can click Add button with USB&COM devices option to edit them. By default, all currently available USB and serial port devices are appear.
USB device: Find your need to diagnose, select USB devices and rename them. Changing the default USB configuration after you click Save button.
Serial port device: Find your need to diagnose, select serial ports. Set its baud rate, type command and response. Changing the default serial port configuration after you click Save button.
Set the threshold with CPU Temperature and CPU Usage for triggering a warning from Alert section. You would get a notice pop-up appears in taskbar right corner of Windows and change color of icon in red when alarm is triggered, make them return to previous color when alarm is disarmed.
Auto test
It is a test that does not depend on the user actions to be executed. It will be automatically inspected for test modules include audio, display, USB, camera, wired ethernet, wireless, bluetooth, print, and touch. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field.
Dashboard lower parts displays all application modules. Click Module List to customize your dashboard is to add or remove the shortcut to modules that you would like to have on your dashboard from the drop down menu, and set the threshold for triggering a warning from Alert section. It will be changed color of icon in red when alarm is triggered and make them return to previous color when alarm is disarmed.
The diagnostic symbol of a module and select one of them to perform tests, use a red color for a Fail status, blue color for a Pass status. Furthermore, all icons reset to default to grey color except alarm is triggered after reboot the system .
(photo-1: Dashboard 整頁)
(photo-2: product name之information icon)
Internal/ external audio detected automatically. You can select test items with speaker and MIC.
Click Start test, the application will display a message asking if you OK or Cancel.
Click OK, it shows a dialog. The sound comes from the left channel, right channel, and both sides with tree random numbers. Please type the number what order the numbers were played or click on error status: No Sound, Channel error.
Click Start test, the application will display a message to remind you. Click on Record button and speak on the internal/ external microphone and save it as a temporary file or Cancel. The record will have 5 ~ 15 seconds of duration.
Click on Play button, the recorded audio will be played automatically. Inform if you were able to listen the sound recorded.
Click Fail, the application will display a message asking for double check the function.
Click Start test, the application will display a message asking if you OK or Cancel.
Fill the screen with the random red/ green/ blue color for 5 seconds each color.
Please click the correct color or Fail and Screenshot. (photo)
Repeat above step for random RGB color and choose correct color. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field.
Click Start test to display image in full screen mode with capacitive touch screen. Sensor test will be automatically inspected for test touch function; using Drawing test with a single finger. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field.
Click Start test to scan all WiFi network. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field that display it's status and list the available SSID's.
Click Start test to scan and discover nearby Bluetooth devices. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field.
Click Start test, and then swipe a valid card with the MSR device. It would show the card's data on the following dialog. After test, find the test result and MSR MTBF on Diagnostic Result field.
Click Start test, scanning a 2D barcode using USB barcode scanner. It would show the barcode's data on the following dialog. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field.
Click Start test, show video preview dialog. Allows you answer simple Yes or No responses. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field.
Select the RFID device that you can see all supported RFID reader in Device Settings from drop down menu. You can change COM port number and Baud rate, and then click Start test. An RFID tag is read, it record the Tags and TimeStamp of each scan individually on Diagnostic Result field.
Do you edit your USB devices in product configuration ?
If no, this application automatically determines to goes to product configuration when you click Start test.
If yes, it helps you diagnose and run analysis on USB devices connected when you click Start test. It compare your default setting and current detected.
Black: default setting device Gray: Un-reported device Blue: New device
If there is any difference with default setting device, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field.
SMART (等軟體開發完成再寫)
Click Start test to printer a test page, the application will display a message asking if you Yes or No. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field.
Do you edit your serial port devices in product configuration ?
If no, this application automatically determines to goes to product configuration when you click Start test.
If yes, it helps you diagnose on serial port devices connected when you click Start test. It compare your default setting and current detected.
Wired Ethernet
It should display the name of the available network profile. Click Start test to scan the network connected. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field that display it's status and information.
Cash Drawer
Click Start test to check cash drawer, the application will display some messages asking if you OK (Yes) or Cancel (No) and following instructions to test. After test, find the test result on Diagnostic Result field.
Click Alert. Select one or more devices that you want to remind device and depending on the condition you set to trigger alarm when tasks are due.
The task is due, you will be get a notice pop-up appears in taskbar right corner of Windows and view the status for CPU temperature and CPU usage on Dashboard that are associated with the alarm trigger devices.
Export drive
Choose the icons you would like to export files that generate a 2D barcode, save it directly in the path of your choice, or save it in FTP server.
FTP Server
Upload event data from the default location where downloaded file to FTP server. Setup log-in FTP server information include its IP, port, user name, password, and target directory, confirm by clicking Save.
Last updated
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