Scanner SDK
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Hardware devices support list
File structure
The Scanner SDK programming guide will lead the user to interact with the Scanner SDK through the RESTful API. The user can obtain the data (ID) scanned by the current Scanner through the RESTful API, and can use the database imported by the user through simple settings (Config.ini). The Scanner SDK uses the ID to quickly match the name, and the scan data can also be stored directly to the cloud database through the EdgeX connection.
*1 => The region range mapping to the following
1 : USA 902~928 MHz
2 : Taiwan 922~928 MHz
3 : China 920~925 MHz
4 : China2 840~845 MHz
5 : Europe 865~868 MHz
*2 => The antenna power range mapping to the following
GIGA Tek UM800L -19~27 dBm
JogTek TM915 -2~25 dBm
The file structure consists of three parts.
User upload data will be stored in this folder, please don’t change the folder’s name or location that will cause Scanner SDK service error.
The location that the debug log outputs to.
Main executable file, invoke the Scanner SDK to start the service and get ID from the scanner.
General setting lists as follows =>
Set current use scanner, default is "0", in this version, current scanner support lists refer to the "Hardware devices support list".
The RFID device comport is, default is "COM7"
For the RFID baud rate for customized setting, please set it before the API /api/getscanid, if the user doesn’t set this tag via API /api/setscannercomportbaudrate/ , Scanner SDK will use the default baud rate to handle the scanner.
The barcode device comport is, default is "COM28".
For the barcode baud rate for customized setting, please set it before the API /api/getscanid, if the user doesn’t set this tag via API /api/setscannercomportbaudrate/ , Scanner SDK will use the default baud rate to handle the scanner.
Set to "1" to map names or tags with ID from the imported database, Set to "0" to do nothing but ID with scan result, default is "1".
Set "1" to pass the scan result to the MQTT broker and vice versa.
Set MQTT broker IP address, default is "tcp://" [MqttIP] IP = tcp:// for general purposes to DockerNAT for EdgeX, the user also can set your own MQTT broker IP address, which located. This setting will be activation while [ToMqtt] set to "1".
Set MQTT topic, default is “mqtt_topic”. The user must be assigned the MQTT topic to match the request.
Set MQTT auto upload after getting scan ID or not, set Enable to upload the current scan result to the MQTT by given MQTT parameter,
Set Disable to stop auto upload of the scan result
The user must follow this initial flowchart to staring the Scanner SDK completely. Launch the Scanner SDK and call the API by following the sequences.
The Scanner SDK API located at localhost:50003 while running, and the format of the API is
localhost: 50003/api/{RESTful API function name}/{parameter 1} /… /{parameter N},
and all the returns are package by JSON formats. All the API lists as follows:
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/getscannersdkversion
Return => { "Version": "V2.1.11" }
Normal case
Calling => localhost: 50003/api/getsmscannerlist
Return => {
"total": "3",
{ "id": "0", "model": "ADT007A","model_type":"1","errorcode": "0000"},
{"id": "2", "model": "TM915","model_type":"2""errorcode": "0000"}
Failure case
Calling =>localhost: 500Calling =>03/api/getscannerlist Return =>
"id": "",
"model": "",
"errorcode": "0001"
Normal case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/setcurscanner/1 Return =>
Failure case
Calling => localhost: 50003/api/setcurscanner/3
Return => {
"id": "",
"model": "",
"errorcode": "0002"
Normal case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/getcurscanner
Return => {
Failure case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/getcurscanner
Return => {
"id": "",
"model": "",
"errorcode": "0001"
Normal case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/uploadmappingtable
Return => [
Failure case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/uploadmappingtable
Return => {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"errorcode": "0001"
Normal case
Single tag usage
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/getscanid
Return => {
"id": [
"timestamp": "2022-06-10 15:46:14",
Multi-tags usage
Calling => localhost: 50003/api/getscanid
Return =>
"id": [
"timestamp": "2022-06-10 15:46:14",
"errorcode": "0000"
Failure case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/getscanid
Return => {
"id": [""
"timestamp": "",
Normal case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/ getnamebyid/4771234567890
Return => {
Failure case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/ uploademployeeinfo
Return => {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"errorcode": "0013"
Normal case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/downloadmappingtable
Return => 04138B145A6434808A,Albee
Failure case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/downloadmappingtable
Return => {
"id": "",
"errorcode": "0014"
Normal case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/outputscanresult/123456/2/4714947000196/37/1/1
Return => {
"station_id": "123456",
"scanner_id": "2",
"scan_id": "4714947000196",
"name": "Calpis water",
"thermal_value": "37",
"timestamp": "2021-01-22 14:19:33",
"errcode": "0000"
Failure case
Calling =>localhost: 50003/api/outputscanresult/123456/2/4714947000196/37/1/1
Return => {
"station_id": "",
"scanner_id": "",
"scan_id": "",
"name": "",
"thermal_value": "",
"timestamp": "",
"errcode": "0013"
Notice: This API also stores the value into cfg.ini file simultaneously in those tags : [RFIDCOM] / [BARCODECOM].
Normal case
Calling =>localhost:50003/api/setscannercomport/COM3/COM4
Return => {
"barcode_com": "COM3",
"barcode_baudrate": "115200",
"rfid_com": "COM4",
"errorcode": "0000"
Failure case NA
Normal case
Calling =>localhost:50003/api/getscannercomport Return => { "barcode_com": "COM3",
"barcode_baudrate": "115200",
"rfid_com": "COM4",
"rfid_baudrate": "115200",
"errorcode": "0000"
Failure case NA
Notice: This API also stores the value into cfg.ini file simultaneously in those tags : [RFIDCOM_BAUDRATE] / [BARCODECOM_BAUDRATE].
Normal case
Calling =>localhost:50003/api/setscannercomportbaudrate/9600/115200 Return => { "barcode_com": "COM3",
"barcode_baudrate": "9600",
"rfid_com": "COM4",
"rfid_baudrate": "115200",
"errorcode": "0000"
Notice: This API also stores the value into cfg.ini file simultaneously in those tags : [MqttIP] / [MqttTopic] / [MqttAutoUpload]
Normal case
Calling =>localhost:50003/api/setmqttpara with Body in JSON format { "MqttAddress": "tcp://",
"MqttTopic": "mqtt_topic",
"MqttAutoUpload": "Enable"
} Return => {
"mqtt_address": "tcp://",
"mqtt_topic": "mqtt_topic",
"mqtt_auto_upload": "Enable",
"errorcode": "0000"
Note : If the tag [MqttAutoUpload] set to “Enable”, the Scanner SDKwill send current scan result to the MQTT address with follows JSON format =>
Single tag usage:
"value":"Jogtek ADT007A"
"value": [
Multi-tags usage:
"3400E007C4CE7835799D; 3400E007C4CE7835800D;"
Failure case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/getmqttaddress
Return =>
"mqtt_address": "tcp://",
“mqtt_topic”: “mqtt_topic”,
“mqtt_auto_upload”: “Enable”,
"errorcode": "0000"
Notice: please follow the initial flowchart before calling this API
Normal case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/getscannersdkstatus
Return =>
"total": "1",
"device": [
"VID": "10C4",
“PID”: ”EA60”,
"ID": "6"
Failure case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/getscannersdkstatus
Return =>
"total": "0",
"device": [
"VID": "0000",
“PID”: ”0000”,
"ID": "0"
Notice: Only UHF RFID device support this command.
Normal case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/setregionfreq with BODY in JSON format
"region": 3
Return =>
"region": 3,
"errorcode": "0000",
Failure case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/setregionfreq with BODY in JSON format
Return =>
Notice: Only UHF RFID device support this command.
Normal case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/getregionfreq
Return =>
"region": 3,
"errorcode": "0000",
Failure case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/getregionfreq
Return =>
Notice: Only UHF RFID device support this command.
Normal case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/setantennapower with BODY in JSON format
"power": 3
Return =>
"power": 3,
"errorcode": "0000"
Failure case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/ setantennapower with BODY in JSON format
"power": 29
Return =>
"power": 0,
"errorcode": "0001"
Notice: Only UHF RFID device support this command.
Normal case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/ getantennapower
Return =>
"power": 3,
"errorcode": "0000"
Failure case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/getantennapower
Return =>
"power": 0,
"errorcode": "0015"
Notice: Only UHF RFID device support this command.
Normal case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/setregionfreq with BODY in JSON format
"timeout": 100
Return =>
"timeout": 100,
"errorcode": "0000",
Failure case
Calling => localhost:50003/api/setuarttimeout with the BODY in JSON format
"timeout": 214748364899996654654654564654
Return =>
"timeout": 0,
"errorcode": "0001",
Notice: Only works in UHF RFID devices while the getScanID command is issued.
Normal case
Calling =>localhost:50003/api/ canceloperation
Return =>
"errorcode": "0000",
Error Table:
Error code
Error message
Request success
Parameter error
ID out of range
Please set current scanner first
Get file from client failed
Create temp file error
Read file content error
Open system path error
Read data from csv failed
OS rename csv file error
OS remove csv file error
OS rename csv file error 2
No current scan id
Name mismatch with ID
Download file failed, please import file first
Comport open failed
Read data from comport failed
Read data is empty
Unknown error
Connect to broker error
JSON marshal failed
Write data to comport failed
Get RFID FW version no response
Set RFID protocol mode failed
Read RFID protocol mode failed
Set RFID protocol type failed
Read RFID protocol type failed
Set RFID protocol type 2 failed
Read RFID protocol type 2 failed
Set RFID protocol type 3 failed
Read RFID protocol type 3 failed
Write Jogtek get ISO14443A UUID failed
Read Jogtek get ISO14443A UUID failed
Write Jogtek get ISO15693 UUID failed
Read Jogtek get ISO15693 UUID failed
Save to config.ini file failed
Scan result without any ID exist
Get/set region failure
Module not matched
CRC checksum error
Get/set antenna power failure
User cancel the operation
Feature unsupported
Set back to command mode failed