Smart Pump Station Solution
Setup Advantech EdgeX software package
Install Required Software
Setup the Rule Engine
Setup the Alert & Notification
Setup the WISE-PaaS APP Service
Setup the Video AI Service
WISE-PaaS M2I/Pump Unite is cloud –based smart pump station solution. It leverages EdgeX for edge solution. EdgeX provides:
Pump data collection
Automatic pump control when water level is low
Person intrusion alarm integration with Intel OpenVINO AI engine
Upload pump data and alarm to WISE-PaaS cloud
This solution also won 2021 the EdgeX China Challenge Competition - The First Award.
Setup Advantech EdgeX software package
Uncompressed the software package, the directory tree is like this:
2. Install the required software.
3. Deploy.
Install Required Software
To install the required software. E.g. Docker, curl, mosquitto-clients…, which will take some time.
adv@ubuntu:/usr/local/2021-edgex-china-challenge $ ./
2. If the original file still exists, then the installer asks you before overwrites it.
Answer ‘y’ then continue.
File '/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg' exists. Overwrite? (y/N)
Before the deployment, we may modify the Modbus device service according to physical hardware configuration.
2. Option: To remove all Docker containers on the host.
adv@ubuntu:/usr/local/2021-edgex-china-challenge$ sudo ./ ; sudo ./
3. To deploy that will be finished tasks:
Start all Edge microservice that including EdgeX, video AI service, SMTP server...
Setup the rule engine.
Setup the alert & notification.
Setup the WISE-PaaS APP service.
Setup the video AI service.
adv@ubuntu:/usr/local/2021-edgex-china-challenge$ ./
4. Option: List Docker image ID by command for checking.
adv@ubuntu:/usr/local/2021-edgex-china-challenge$ sudo docker images
Setup the Rule Engine
The default rule definition is as below. Rules #2, #3, and #4 all use a 5-second sliding window.
Rule Name
Event Source
Trigger Threshold
Turn-on Pump Control
Water level
<= 20%
1. Open pump switch
2. Send MQTT topic with debugging:
Turn-off Pump Control
Water level
1. Close pump switch
2. Send MQTT topic with debugging:
Person Detection
REST device service
Get intrusion image in base64 format from the REST endpoint
1. Send an email with an intrusion image
2. Send MQTT topic for debugging:
Water Level Alert
Water level
< 20%
1. Send an event to EdgeX message bus: {"device":"Alert","readings":[{"device":"Alert","name":"Message_ID","value":"2"}
2. Send MQTT topic for debugging:
Person Detection Alert
Edge AI data
Received specific MQTT message that topic is AnalyticsData
1. Send an event to EdgeX message bus: {"device":"Alert","readings":[{"device":"Alert","name":"Message_ID","value":"1"}
2. Send MQTT topic for debugging:
2. You can find them through edgex-ui-go. Visit for more details.
3. You can modify the trigger threshold value of the water level for your case. To edit the ./ruleengine/ file. If any values changed, you should reload the rule engine.
adv@ubuntu:/usr/local/2021-edgex-china-challenge$ ./ruleengine/
Setup the Alert & Notification
1. When anyone into the area of water pumps, you will get an email that includes intrusion images through the EdgeX alert and notifications device service. For easier and quicker to demo, we built an SMTP server MailHog on port 80 that is open source and supports a Web UI.
2. Visit Web UI on
3. Option: we have a simulation script for the quick test without video inference. To execute it for testing.
adv@ubuntu:/usr/local/2021-edgex-china-challenge$ ./video-inference/test/
You should get an email to check the mailbox through Web UI
Setup the WISE-PaaS APP Service
WISE-PaaS APP service collects EdgeX data (including sensor data and alerts) to report to cloud platform: WISE-PaaS data hub.
WISE-PaaS data hub portal:
3. The default data connection settings are:
WISE-4012, FATEKPLC, Alert
4. NodeID, AccessKey, and APIURL are credentials of WISE-PaaS data hub that could find it here.
5. DeviceNames is a comma-separated list of device names for filtering (also known as a whitelist). If it is not empty means only allows the message of the specific device of EdgeX to report.
6. ResourceWritable is a comma-separated list of device/resource names for writable on the data hub. It is formatted as deviceName=resourceName
7. The default settings in below.
Upload frequency
Every 3 seconds. It has been defined in the modbus/configuration.toml
8. If any settings changed, you should reload the WISE-PaaS APP service.
adv@ubuntu:/usr/local/2021-edgex-china-challenge$ ./wise-export/
Setup the Video AI Service
1. The video AI service (VAS) has two parts: a server, and a client. The server runs in the background, but the client runs in the foreground of the terminal.
2. Check if the server of VAS is running.
adv@ubuntu:/usr/local/2021-edgex-china-challenge$ sudo docker logs -f video-analytics-serving-gstreamer
2. Open the URL in the web browser to test the video:
3. When an intrusion event has triggered, VAS sends an MQTT message and intrusion image to EdgeX.
Then EdgeX rule engine triggers the actuation of the two things.
(1) Trigger rule #2: EdgeX alert & notification microservice sends an Email to the SMTP server.
(2) Trigger rule #4: Generate an EdgeX event to message bus. WISE-PaaS APP service sends the event (Message_ID=1) to the data hub.
4. Press Ctrl+C to cancel the client of VAS in progress if quit.
Last updated
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