

  • Printer Support List

  • Printer Setup

  • Command Lists

Printer Support List

Printer Setup

To edit the PortName and BaudRate setting on Printer-XXXXX.ini.

Command Lists

Version (GET)

Get the Printer function version of EdgeX.

Restful API : http://RetailService-IP:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-PPTC31/Version or http://localhost:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-PPTC31/Version

WorkingStatus (GET)

Get the Printer Working Status of EdgeX.

Restful API : http://RetailService-IP:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-PPTC31/WorkingStatus or http://localhost:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-PPTC31/WorkingStatus

WorkingStatus Return Code:

(0) NoError - Normal

(1) DeviceNodeOpenFail - Open Serial port node fail

(2) DeviceNodeReadTimeout - Device out of expect time

(3) DeviceIOPortDriverOpenFail - IO Port Driver Open Fail

(4) DeviceNodeCannotFind - Serial port Cannot Find

(5) DevicePrinterDriverException - Windows Printer Driver Exception

(99) DeviceUnknown - Not Response

(10001) RetailDeviceNodeOpenFail - Device Node Open Fail

(10002) RetailDeviceNodeReadTimeout - Node Read Timeout

(10003) RetailIllegalOperation - Illegal Operation

(10004) RetailCashDrawerIOPortFail - Cash Drawer IO Port Driver Not Install

(10005) RetailPrinterLidOpen - Printer Lid open (Support TM-T88V)

PaperRollStatus (GET)

Get the Printer Paper Roll Status of EdgeX.

Restful API : http://RetailService-IP:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-PPTC31/PaperRollStatus or http://localhost:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-PPTC31/PaperRollStatus

Retail Return Code:

(20001) RetailPrinterPaperNearEnd - Roll paper near-end sensor: paper near-end

(20002) RetailPrinterPaperNotPresent - Roll paper end sensor: paper not present

CashDrawerStatus (GET)

Get the Printer Cash Drawer Status of EdgeX.

Restful API : http://RetailService-IP:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-SLK-TL212/CashDrawerStatus or http://localhost:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-SLK-TL212/CashDrawerStatus

OpenCashDrawer (PUT)

Set the Printer Cash Drawer OPEN of EdgeX.

Restful API : http://RetailService-IP:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-TM-T82II/OpenCashDrawer or http://localhost:49997/api/v1/device/name/Printer-TM-T82II/OpenCashDrawer

Last updated