Industrial SDK Setup


  • Introduction

  • System Requirement

  • Install Industrial SDK


This guide describes of EdgeX Industrial SDK during the installation and starting when enter Windows. User can use EdgeX Native Manage Tool to monitoring and management.

EdgeX SDK Revision History

[OS Support]

  • Microsoft Windows 10 x64

[EdgeX Foundry Delhi]

1. consul

2. edgex-ui-go

3. core-command

4. core-data

5. core-metadata

6. export-client

7. export-distro

8. support-logging

9. edgex-dataagent-go

[Device Service]

1. system_information

  • BIOS

  • CPU

  • Datetime

  • Disk

  • Ethernet

  • Ethernet2

  • Memory

  • Monitor

  • OS

  • USB

  • WLAN

2. EdgeXVersion

3. RFInformation

  • Bluetooth


1. DeviceOn Connector

2. APM / AWS / Azure Connector


  • EdgeX Native Manage Tool

System Requirement

  • OS: Windows 10 LTSC 64bit

  • RAM: at least 4GB

Install Industrial SDK

  1. Install latest version and then restart the system.

2. Enter Windows 10 desktop and wait for few seconds, a pop-up menu will appear showing a message: "EdgeX is running" on the right bottom corner.

3. To press the right button on the mouse and release it to choose "Open Control Panel".

4. Get all items starting with "Device Service" option on menu bar.

5. Click on "EdgeX Service" option on menu bar. Get all items starting.

6. Click on "Connector" option on menu bar. Default checked "DeviceOn". You can choose the option to suit your needs and preferences.

7. It shows the current status of Windows update. You can change them to suit your needs.

Last updated