DeviceChecking / Kiosk
Security Setting
System Setting
Export Setting
User Setting
DeviceChecking is a standalone tool for device management. Based on the standard client PC’s device checking functions, the new edition (kiosk) supports the extra functions below.
Kiosk configuration
Alarm analysis
Note: Internet Explorer will go out of support on Windows 10. Please see more detail information of the Microsoft Website. We recommend you transition to Microsoft Edge, and also we demo is using it.
Runtime requirements
Microsoft Windows 10 LTSC x64 asks for at least 4GB of RAM
Client Device tool Revision History
Client Device tool Lite Revision History
Optional: Install driver/ API
Create User and login
After EdgeX is running, click DeviceChecking icon on desktop, it should automatically jump to the user creation page:
(1) Open a browser and go to:
(2) Login: Input Username: admin, Password: admin, click Sign in to login Smart Device UI.
System Overview
Click Dashboard > System overview. In the System Info section, you can view the following information:
Resource and Network
System configuration and Event list
Alarm Analysis
1. Set alarm condition in chapter Alarm Setting and check Event List in chapter System Info first.
2. Follow your alarm condition to use these parameters in dropdown list.
(1) Set time duration in form, and then press Search.
(2) Press List to show all feedback data that meet your alarm condition.
(3) Press Trend to get dot chart. Also you can move your mouse to the area you would like the object to be get detail information.
(4) Press Statistics to get statistical data.
Set time duration in form, and then press Delete button to clear all alarms within the duration.
Delete All
Base on Class, press Delete All button to clear all alarms or follow Node to clear all alarms.
Click Peripheral Device, you can check USB, Monitor, Scanner, and Detailed as below information:
All Devices
Under USB you can see your connected USB devices. You also can find PID & VID on Windows: Go to Control Panel > Device Manager and find your USB device. Go to the Details tab and select Hardware ID to view its PID and VID.
Find Devices
Import the USB check list table in excel format to be checked, it could be compared the list table and real USB peripheral devices. When the comparison is different, gets highlight.
Click Import to load in original USB peripheral devices list table
2. Click Select file to select the USB check list file location
3. Click Submit after the file is selected
4. When the comparison is different, gets highlight
Under Monitor you can see your connected monitor devices. In the case of a HDMI monitor with an industry-standard Full HD 1080p resolution, this display has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 @ 59Hz.
Under Scanner you can see all supported barcode reader and RFID devices in Scanner Type from dropdown menu.
Select your connected barcode reader or RFID device.
(a) Barcode reader
Note: 1. Please make sure your barcode reader has standard RS232 support. 2. Not support barcode scanner function on AIM series. 3. Your barcode reader isn't appearing in the dropdown menu, please revise "Config.ini".
(b) RFID
2. Press Scan button, you can find below lists when scanner can successfully read a bar code or successful tags detection.
(a) Barcode reader
(b) RFID
3. Press Settings button to check more automatic detection details (it doesn't support assign another serial port by manual). You can change upload Address and Topic with your needs.
(a) Barcode reader
(b) RFID
Click Detailed, and then click Monitor to view the following information. You can see details about device’s information.
(1) You can select "Show all" or every sing item in Class from dropdown list.
(2) Set refresh time: 0 second (default), 30 seconds, 40 seconds, and 60 seconds. Ex. Set 30 seconds, It immediately starts counting down 60 seconds.
Exporting the current page to csv file.
Upload event data from the default location where downloaded file to FTP server.
(1) Upload latest export file to FTP server.
(2) Setting up a FTP server once that setup log-in FTP server information include its IP, port, user name, password, and target directory, confirm by clicking Save. Also, you can use default FTP server setup if you have set that in chapter FTP Server.
(3) Enter the hostname, username, and password into the Quickconnect bar's of FileZilla, and then click on Quickconnect. If all works well, the uploaded files and directories should now be displayed in the server content listing at the right side of the window.
Security Setting
Kiosk uses the assigned access feature to run a single APP above the lock screen. When the kiosk account signs in, the APP is launched automatically.
Kiosk Mode
Shell Launcher
Note: The latest SDK version does not need to execute below step.
*After installed Industrial Kiosk Setup SDK, it shall be installed Keybboard Filter, Shell Launcher, and Unified Write Filter automatically.
2. Setup Shell Launcher function
(1) Turn on Keyboard Filter and Shell Launcher. "Enable UAC" shall be turn on, and please turn on Custom Shell manually.
(2) Select User: admin. In Application mode, explorer.exe is the Windows Program Manager and runs in the background of Windows 10 at all times.
(3) User to select option in dropdown list. MS Edge and MS IE shall runs URL program.
(3) Enable/ Disable UAC, please refer below Link:
(1) Fill in User name and Password, and then Save. The system shall automatically log on after next reboot.
(2) Domain: need setup a Active Directory Domain Services. Example as below that setup few simple steps to add client PC to AD DA.
Boot Option
(1) Log on customization:
First logon animation is enabled
Auto logo UI is enabled
Blocked shutdown resolver (BSDR) is enabled
Note: If your PC is running faster or no more apps are running, you cannot see as below pop-up window.
(2) Ctrl + Alt + Del Screen Option
Change a password, Administrator allow users to change their password.
1. To enable Kiosk mode, the Change a password function automatically disabled. User hit the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, the Change a password should always be displayed on the screen but function does not work.
2. To disable Kiosk mode, the Change a password function automatically enabled. User can change their password.
General Settings
Turn on Open Action Center and Open Notification, Save and reboot the system manually. Enter the desktop and wait few second for EdgeX APP is running. Sliding your finger in from the right side of screen. You can see as below photo that Action Center and Notification function is available.
USB Storage Control Turn on/ off below function, and then reboot the system manually. The following three options are available.
Enable the touch keyboard and no USB keyboard attached, make sure the virtual keyboard works find before you use our utility.
Virtual Keyboard
Open DeviceChecking > Kiosk Setting > Keyboard, Predefined keys should appear.
Keyboard Filter
Open DeviceChecking > Kiosk Setting > Keyboard, Predefined keys should appear.
Note: Keyboard Scan Code Table - Microsoft
Unified Write Filter
Unified write filter (UWF), please refer to the link below:
Note: Please disabled UWF first when you need to try other functions.
Click Advanced Settings button to setup Overlay Setting, File Exclustion, and Registry Exclusion. Please refer to the link below:
2. Example: set Disk overlay size is 2048 MB.
3. You can check the UWF status using this command: uwfmgr.exe get-config.
4. Setup File Exclusion, when a file or folder is in the exclusion list for a volume, all writes to that file or folder bypass UWF filtering.
5. Registry Exclusion supports below list for a volume, excluding a registry key from filtering also excludes all subkeys from filtering.
6. After setup "Advanced Settings". To enable Disk Protection disk.
7. Turn on Enable Disk Write Filter, then click Save button
8. Reboot your device.
App Locker
App Locker, please refer to the link below: Working with AppLocker rules (Windows) - Windows security | Microsoft Learn
Click App Locker button to enable this function.
AppLocker helps you control which apps users can run.
System Setting
Click System Setting > Machine. You can find the Machine Name and ID, they are auto filled in below Machine Setting column when start influxdb export register. Also, you can define the new Machine ID.
Machine ID: update the data to Grafana will be required.
Alarm Setting
Threshold Setting
We demo how to enable alarm notification on the setting page. To allow the DeviceOn, Patrol Inspection system, and Remote Server receive alarm notifications when alarm events are triggered.
Click Alarm Setting > Threshold Setting. Select add icon “+Add” on the top right side.
Add an Alarm Rule on DeviceOn system
(1) Fill in the table below. Turn on DeviceOn, and then click Submit.
(2) Make sure Status is the running and Actions is DeviceOn.
(3) Log in to DeviceOn system. Click Event Log, you can find alarm messages.
(4) Also, you can check Event list.
Add an Alarm Rule on Patrol Inspection
(1) Fill in the table below. Turn on Patrol Inspection, follow WISE-Paas Patrol Inspection setup parameter, and then click Submit.
Table 10
(2) Make sure Status is the running and Actions is Patrol Inspection.
(3) Get the messages on Patrol Inspection system.
Add an Alarm Rule on Remote Server
(1) Fill in the table below. Turn on Remote Server to set an Ethernet IP address of Remote Server, and then click Submit.
(2) Make sure Status is the running and Actions is Remote Server.
(3) Get the messages from Client to Remote Server.
You can turn on DeviceOn, Patrol Inspection system, and Remote Server at the same time to receive alarm notifications.
Click System Setting > Scheduler. You can planning and control to manage the device for Sleep, Reboot, and Shutdown functions.
Click System Setting > Device. You can quickly control device like modules, screen brightness, Screensaver, and system power states.
Use the slider to adjust full screen brightness, then click Save. It shall be kept the setup as below and display 100 percentage on brightness settings.
2. Use the slider to adjust full screen brightness, then click Save. If the brightness slider move to the middle position automatedly on this utility, please check brightness settings that display brightness with like the example below.
Export Setting
Data Service
only devices after filtering will be displayed on the Grafana dashboard
(1) Click Export Setting > Data Service. It was automatically fill a series of data in below columns of Analytics DB IP and Analytics DB port when start the influxdb export register.
(2) By selecting one of the data sources available on the list (ex. cpu), and then click Save.
(3) Only devices (CPU) were filtered to display on the Grafana dashboard.
Log Export
You can export your events data as CSV file that it will be saved on device, download in default location, and upload to FTP server.
1. Select Data Source (ex. cpu, memory).
2. Data Storage Location:
Save : save the file to 'logs' folder on device.
Check the file on your logs folder.
Download : save the file to 'Downloads' folder on your computer
(1) Select Duration for All Data or set limit time. File Path, there is default location for the log file to be stored. After setup click Download.
(2) Check the file on your default download location.
(3) You can check CPU detail information as below list.
Upload : upload to FTP Server
(1) Click the Upload the file to FTP Server icon. It shall pop-up the FTP Server info window .
(2) Check uploaded file on your FTP server.
Reporting provides different types log files, turn on Log Option according to your needs. It create a log file after click/tap the Save button and auto export a log file at 12:00 AM per day. Upload the logs files to FTP server automatically at the same time.
Keep the logs files of the last 30 days, clear older log file after add a new log. If you need to save real-time log, please follow two actions: switch button turn off and then click Save, switch button turn on and then click Save.
Beside, you can planning and control to export all data for one time, daily, or weekly.
Note: Support resend function: network suddenly disconnecting during you upload the log files to FTP server. After network connected again, the log files will be resuming transfer and resend.
Choose below log option
2. Check different log files
3. Enable Device Scan button, base on your plan to export the log file for one time, daily, or weekly.
FTP Server
Setup log-in FTP server information include its IP, port, user name, and password. Confirm by clicking Save.
User Setting
Click User Setting > Alarm Setting > Admin. Edit Name, Nickname, and Password.
(1) Click User Setting > Alarm Setting > Admin. Edit Name, Nickname, and Password.
(2) User access rights that view System info only.
Last updated
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