Device Diagnostic Dashboard
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Grafana is an open source visualization and analysis software that allows you to query and visualize database data as a device diagnostic tool.
This topic describes how to import and export your Grafana dashboards to be able to show these. In this demo we take AIM-58/68, IPS420S, UTC-115H, and USM-260F to export and import the Grafana Dashboard JSON files that according to the product features, present the design of WiFi and battery diagnostic panel template.
Please check below, we have attached some JSON files for general system, multiple devices monitors, tablet, and battery on GitHub. However, you also can use Grafana to design your personal dashboard.
Grafana Dashboard JSON file, please visit the following link:
Click Share dashboard or panel tab.
2. Click Export > Save the file to default save location.
Click Create option allows Import to import the JSON file.
2. Click Upload JSON file > choose the JSON file and then click Open.
3. After choose the JSON file, click Import.
4. Click Relative time ranges option to select your need, and then click Apply time range.
5. The Grafana dashboard has been successfully imported.
System information dashboard:
Here is focused on dashboard design which measure the system information with basic data. Two scenarios of system information dashboard, one for single PC and another one for configure multiple device monitors.
Scenarios #1: System information dashboard (System information.json):
It shows basic information about user computer like CPU, BIOS, and operation system...
Scenarios #2: Multiple devices monitors dashboard (Advantech Client PC Monitoring.json):
Host PC can monitor itself and multiple client PC for system information on Grafana dashboard through the Smart Device UI setting. Advantech Client PC Monitoring dashboard that allows the user to choose one PC from the Hostname drop-down list.
Smart Device UI setting of client PC, fill in the Ethernet IP of host PC and 8086 port.
2. User can choose any PC to monitor its system information status.
3. Advantech Client PC Monitoring dashboard.
AIM-58/68 dashboard (WiFi_Battery.json):
Here is focused on dashboard design which measure the battery RSOC using its and displays basic battery's information, and WiFi template identifies the current connection signal strength.
IPS-420S dashboard (IPS-420S Battery.json):
Here is focused on dashboard design which the battery panel displays its detail information.
(1) Please reference chapter Alarm Setup to enable alarm condition.
(2) Setup RulesEngine Event template on Grafana Dashboard
Setup three Query
Setup two Transform
(3) Record RualesEngine Event as below list